Author's Information

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts to the International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research (IJCSITR). All submissions will undergo an initial assessment by an editor to ensure alignment with the journal's aims and scope. Submissions deemed suitable will then undergo peer review for acceptance consideration.

Prior to submission, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any materials included in the submission, such as photos, documents, and datasets. All listed authors must consent to their inclusion as authors, and where applicable, research should be ethically approved by an appropriate committee.

An editor may reject a submission at the desk review stage if it fails to meet minimum quality standards. Therefore, authors should ensure their study design and research argument are articulated clearly. The title should be concise, and the abstract should provide a standalone summary to increase the likelihood of reviewers agreeing to review the paper.

How to Submit Manuscript

Manuscripts can be submitted to IJCSITR via:

Acceptance Criteria

IJCSITR prioritizes scientific validity and methodological soundness, emphasizing research integrity and high ethical standards. Articles are not rejected based on subjective evaluations of novelty or impact in a specific field. Each published article allows for post-publication discussion, enabling readers to assess its significance.

For further inquiries regarding submissions, please contact us at

Manuscript Preparation Summary:

  • Article types accepted: Research articles, Review articles, and Case Studies
  • Article length: No limit
  • File format: MS Word
  • Font: Times New Roman, 11pt
  • Title page: Title, Author names, Affiliations, Funding, Acknowledgements
  • Manuscript structure: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, References, Appendix
  • Abstract: Max. 300 words
  • Keywords: 3-6 keywords
  • Tables and Figures: Integrated into the main text
  • Reference format: APA style
  • Cover Letter (Optional): Statement of originality

Publication Ethics Statement

The editors of this journal uphold a rigorous peer-review process alongside stringent ethical policies and standards to ensure the addition of high-quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. Despite our best efforts, instances of plagiarism, data falsification, image manipulation, inappropriate authorship credit, and similar ethical breaches may occur. We take such publishing ethics issues very seriously and maintain a zero-tolerance policy.

Plagiarism, in particular, is strictly unacceptable in IJCSITR. This includes copying text, ideas, images, or data from another source, even if they are from your own publications, without proper attribution to the original source. Any reused text must be appropriately quoted, and the original source must be cited. If a study's design, structure, or language has been influenced by previous works, these works must be explicitly referenced.

If plagiarism is identified during the peer review process, the manuscript may be rejected outright. If plagiarism is discovered after publication, we may issue a correction or retract the paper entirely.

We are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct in scholarly publishing and appreciate the cooperation of all authors, reviewers, and editors in maintaining these standards